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ACI CEO Todd R. Walsh Recently Quoted in Financial Advisor Magazine

ACI CEO Todd R. Walsh was recently quoted in Financial Advisor Magazine where he discusses his outlook on industrials, financials, and utilities.

Here is an excerpt from Financial Advisor Magazine:

“’The forgotten 493 will move into greater prominence as the Fed nears the beginning of its rate cutting cycle,’ said Todd R. Walsh, the CEO and chief technical analyst of Alpha Cubed Investments, an independent investment advisory firm in Irvine, Calif. ‘These are regular economy stocks that have been sitting around waiting to see if this recession we’ve been talking about for two and a half years would happen.’

The market has put the risk of a recession in the rear-view mirror, and Walsh said, ‘the capex going into building AI is going to continue to form the backbone of a bull market that might last four to seven years.'”

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